Julia Hernández


    WCF provides an API that adds the functionality expected from a Web Component: the ability to dynamically change and communicate seamlessly with other interface elements.

  • customJS

    One of the main characteristics of the components generated by Web Component Factory is that it is possible to incorporate JavaScript code into the component without altering the component itself. Not only that, but all constants, variables and methods of the component can be accessed directly without intermediaries. The mechanism for doing this is called…

  • customCSS

    A Web Component is a Custom Element, which for HTML standards means that while its behavior and display on the screen are defined by the component’s own JavaScript code, from the browser’s standpoint, it is another element and therefore has all the properties of any HTML element, including CSS for itself and its descendant elements.

  • Attributes

    Components created by Web Component Factory are designed to provide simple and sophisticated handling through the inclusion of attributes. Features like customization of texts, images, and links, customization through variants, and changes to the component via switches, are all handled by adding, modifying, and removing attributes. Not only the component tag use attributes to facilitate…

  • Forms

    The functionality of Web Components within a form must be handled carefully, particularly when they are components encapsulated in a Shadow DOM using shadowRoot. There is an excellent review of the issues that arise, especially those related to accessibility, in the note Web Components Accessibility FAQ. We want to make it clear that the components…

  • Links

    Web Component Factory links allow to connect any component attribute to any attribute from another component, including the variant. When a link between two components is established, it changes the attribute of the source component, which also changes the attribute of the destination component without needing to take further action. An unlimited number of links…

  • Switches

    Switches are a powerful customizing tool for Web Components generated by WCF. It is based on a very simple idea: by assigning a value to the attribute named after the swift in the component, a CSS class, which has that value as its name, is added to the element within the component, as shown in…

  • Variants

    Variants allow components to present themselves differently on the screen. or Variants allow components to have a different representation on the screen. These changes may range from small details, like background colour, to radical changes such as a small button being replaced by a form. Variants are based on the Figma variants‘ idea. As a…

  • Generating components from HTML

    Attributes for creating components data-component-id